Palliatives care cum Rehabilitation Centre at Govt PHC Kuttichal Trivandrum
Sewa wanted to go ahead with a major project in the new Year 2018 . Our team from Sewa met Dr.Joy John of Govt. Hospital Kuttichal , where they were planning for a palliatives care and Rehabilitation center for the hospital. They wanted us to carry out the same for them. The requirement is for a 250 Sq.ft. hall with 2 toilets.
- The general body agreed to get details of the same along with the estimate, and thereafter decide on any commitment after checking on the source for Finance and viability of the Project. The plan of the building for Palliatives care unit was discussed. The verandah proposed in the plan was eliminated after deliberations
- The detailed drawing for submission to the Panchayat authorities for approval will be prepared as also the detailed estimate .
- The committee decided to go ahead with the points of the previous minutes viz. , informing alumini from other batches, Recca Charitable society, other chapters , beneficiaries , Alma connect and so on to ensure financial viability of the project .
- The committee decided to go ahead with the points of the previous minutes viz. , informing alumini from other batches, Recca Charitable society, other chapters , beneficiaries , Alma connect and so on to ensure financial viability of the project .
- District Medical Officer directed us to submit the detailed estimate and plan which is as shown here
- A detailed estimate with Bill of Quantities has been prepared as on 19th Jun 2018 , and is as attached in the excel document “PALLIATIVE CARE 1 ” file shown below which can be downloaded Palliative Care centre – 1
A one day palliative care day function was organised by the Kuttichal Panchayath and Public health centre at RK auditorium Swandana sparsam on 1st March 2019. We took this opportunity to officially launch the construction of the proposed palliative care unit by Recca Sewa . Mr Narayan Potti, Mr Padmarajan and Mr Venugopal from SEWA, attended the function and released the construction drawing to the Contractor at this function in the presence of Dr Joy John and the Panchayath President as official inauguration of this project . The construction job is entrusted to Er. Rajan on a total turnkey basis who will charge us only for the Construction material and Labour cost . Work is expected to start next week , forwhich modalities are being finalised and work order being released. If all goes well , the work is expected to be completed within 3 months.
Few photographs taken on the occasion are shown below
Work is progressing at a faster pace at the site with the direct involvement and direct supervion by our Recca Sewa members with the hope to complete the construction before time . Pl see the progress in pictures
On this 15th Anniversary day of Recca Sewa Society , we are handing over the Palliative Care Centre constructed at Government PHC Kuttichal Trivandrum in memory of Mr Jose Jacob , one of our founding members who bid us farewell last year on 19th Jan 2018 ..
We have achieved one more milestone in the services to our society. Today we have completed and officially handed over the keys of the palliative care centre at Kuttichal. This is going to provide great relief and help to the poor tribals suffering from terminally ill diseases. ReccaSewa President Shri Chandrachoodan and Shri Potti participated in the informal function held at 11: 30 Am . It being election time, to avoid any politicization, we decided to forgo the official function. Panchayat President Shri Manikanthan , Doctor Joy John and Recca Sewa President Prof Chandrachoodan spoke on the occasion. Mr Narayan Potti proposed the Vote of thanks
Few picturestaken on the occasion
We sincerely express our great gratitude to all members who contributed to this noble cause and to Architect Ally Latheef who hasprovided the design and drawings . We express our sincere thanks to Shri Rajan who has completed the construction activities within a record time frame of one and a half months and to Shri Hashim and Shri Potti who visited periodically and reviewed the progress of the project .
Though we are falling short of resources , we are sure that the shortfall will be covered within a short time with benevolent contribution by our members. The successful completion of this project has given us courage and confidence to venture into similar projects in future.