Reccasewa would like to place on record our deep sense of Gratitude to Theresa Thekkekandam from USA ,who rose to the occasion and contributed her share for this noble endeavor
Support for Abdul Salam-1984 Mechanical for Covid treatment
Mr Abdulsalam V. K (1984 batch Mechanical ) was not born to affluent parents, and had to support his studies by taking up some employment before joining REC . After his graduation, he not only educated his children, but also helped his family members. After retiring he joined for LLB regular course and was enrolled in the Bar council. Unfortunately he became Covid positive and was under treatment at Kinder Hospital, Edappally from mid June. Moreover his children too lost their jobs during the pandemic leaving with no breadwinner in the family. Though he became Covid negative eventually, but post Covid, his problems became so severe, that he had to be admitted to ICU and was on ventilator support for more than a month. Even though he was out of danger, he was under heavy medication, and was expected to continue with oxygen support for some more time. His batch mates supported him by donating 15 lakhs towards hospitalisation but as the requirement was mounting , they requestd for support from other Nitcaa alumni associations and Recca Sewa. It was decided in the EC Meeting to support him with 50000/- as has been done in similr cases prior to this. (supporting Reccaites being one of our objectives ). Now he has been discharged from the hospital and after a period of rehabilitation as per Doctors advice, he is now back home and recuperating . Personal thanks from Abdul Salam for the timely support from Recca Sewa, .

Covid Relief work at Nedumkandam
Recca SEWA society with the support of Fr Alexander and the Grama Panchayat member Mr Suresh Palliyadi, distributed 1000 school note books to deserving students at Nedumkandam in Idukki District. Total cost of the project was ₹25,000/- and the books were distributed with the help of the Secretary, Grama Panchayat and the elected members on 14th June 2021, .Abraham Sebastian and Hashim PA from Recca Sewa took the lead for executing this project. Enclosed are the Photographs and Receipt

At Puthupally Kottayam on May 22 2021
On 22nd May , Reccasewa had the privilege of donating Medical Kits comprising of 10 Pulse Oxymeters , 300 nos N95 medial Masks, 17 nos PPE Kits , 500 nos 3 layers Masks to the Public Health Centre Puthupallyat the hands of Ex Chief minister of Kerala Shri Oommen Chandy . Photographs captured at the instance is shown

At Veliyanadu Alappuzha on May 15 2021
Following the Sewa at Elamkunnapuzha Panchayat, it was time for us to move to another location Veliyanadu affected by Covid 19 at Alappuzha and Sewa Volunteers were again in the forefront by coordinating, getting and evaluating quotations, making payment , ensuring packing , dispatch and collection of Medical kits containing the following to the Community Health Centre Veiyanadu which were collected by the Doctor Anil and staff present . Pulse Oxyeter, Medical Masks, 3 Layer Masks and PPE Kits

At Elamkunnapuzha Panchayat on May 6 and May 7 2021
It was nearly a year since Reccaa Sewa could engage themselves in SEWA at Ground level . The Pandemic had forced the SEWA Volunteers to be stay put at home and even the Anganwadi Prject detailed on paper could not see light due to the restrictions imposed by Covid 19 Protocols . The itch to get back to SEWA was finally fulfilled when on 4th May 2021, one of our members received a request for help from the Panchayat president, Mrs Rasakala Priyaraj of Elamkunnapuzha panchayat requesting for food and medicines for the villagers affected by Covid 19.
Elamkunnapuzha is a village on the Vypin island west of Ernakulam in Kerala State. The villagers on the island are mainly employed in fishing related industries. With the depletion of the fish stocks in the Arabian Sea, the income from fishing reduced and many had to travel over the lately constructed Goshree bridges to Ernakulam to earn a living.
When the 2nd Covid wave stuck the Vypeen island, Elamkunnapuzha panchayat was badly affected and many of the households were badly hit; both health wise and economically. The government declared the panchayat as a containment zone. Elamkunnapuzha has many very poor families dependent on daily wage earnings to meet their basic needs. With family members contracting Covid and with containment restrictions in place, their day to day needs could not be provided for. Even putting food on the table became extremely difficult.
The gram panchayat authorities decided to collect food kits from well-wishers and supply them to the affected families. Along with food, availing medicines was also a problem. The Primary health centre on the island, upon which many of the poor were dependent for medicines, was running short of supplies and had sent out a request for replenishing their stocks..
The request for the food kits and medicines were put on the RECCAA Sewa WhatsApp group and there was an immediate positive response. Some members of the groups contacted their friends and acquaintances on the island to find out the gravity of the situation. They were informed that urgent help was required and that conditions were grim.. RECCAA SEWA group contacted medicine distributors and Jan Aushadhi shops. After comparing costs and availability, Rs 50,000 worth of medicines were ordered from the Jan Aushadhi medical shop at Kaloor which was collected by the Panchayat president on the 6th of May.

Along with the medicines, a decision was taken to supply 100 food kits. The group took quotations from wholesale dealers and supermarkets to supply 100 food kits to the panchayat. The food kits were brought from Buy ‘n Save super market and collected by the panchayat on 7 May 2021.
Many members and well-wishers made immediate contributions and transferred money to the Recca Sewa society bank account for supporting this venture. The society is thankful to all of them. including the Cheetukali Club which contributed immediately on simple word of mouth request by Reccaa Members

Wishing fast recovery to all affected by COVID19 , Praying that all remain safe and sound and come out of this Pandemic , and Thanking all for helping us in time to serve you better, we at Reccaa Sewa are committed to help the needy at all times with cooperation and support from all of you well wishers