Covid 19 Relief Project
In one of the meetings prior to the Lockdown )( when Corona 19 had just started spreading and India was yet to declare Lockdown) , we discussed among ourselves, and were not sure how we could extend Sewa during the Pandemic . As most of us were past our sixties , and considered the most vulnerable of the lot , and considered better off stayed put at home, and staying safe , we stopped further discussions on this
However we were fortunate to be contacted by the RMO from Covid Hospital Kottayam on 20th May. . During the 2018 flood, we had carried out extensive distribution of cleaning materials and medicines through District hospitals. Based on that, the Dist hospital Kottayam included SEWA as a Disaster relief volunteer, and they requested the services of SEWA for supply of essentials to those quarantined in the isolation ward. So we took it as a Covid19 Relief Project for supply of essentials to Covid Hospitals,
Phase 1 on 21st May 2020 Total cost for phase 1 consisting 50 sets of essential items as given below is Rs. 16,533 and we distributed the same to the District Hospital Kottayam . Will take up similar supply next week.
Bathing Soap -50
Washing Soap -50
Hand wash dispenser-50
Clinic Shampoo -50
Tooth Paste -50
Tooth Brush -50
Hair Comb – 60
BathTowel – 50
Lungee for men- 30
Nightware women -20
Dinner Plate -50
Tea Glass -72