There was a request to help about 75 families in an Island called Koramgotta near Vaduthala which was under 3 to 4 feet of water for many days. Of the 75 families only 3 to 4 were having members permanent jobs. Rest were daily workers. About 6 houses were completely damaged and all most all household goods including utensils were damaged or lost. Aster Medicity has agreed to rebuild two houses and Rotary is trying to build one or two. Few social organisations have provided them with some utensils and study materials for the children. Padmaraj and the secretary visited the island along with Mr. Rathiappan a retired water authority engineer staying on the mainland near the island. Life in the island was miserable. On discussing with a person staying on the island and coordinating in the rescue and relief operations he confirmed that pressure cooker will be of great help to them but we should be able to give it to all the 75 families without discrimination. Hence we decided to give one number of 3 litre pressure cooker to each of these 75 familes as part of our flood relief activities.
Anna Aluminium company contacted by Padmaraj had agreed to give the pressure cookers at a concessional rate and was estimated to cost around RS. 60000 Ann John senior at Stuart Country Day School in New jersey daughter of Johny John of 1986 Batch who wanted to help the flood affected victims through Recca Sewa had hosted a fundraiser on November 9 for Kerala flood victims, and had raised over 1000 $ along with her school mates Her message to Recca Sewa came through at the right time and we decided to utilise this amount for this project
The New year 2019 started with a bang. The distribution of Pressure cookers to the 75 families of Koramgotta island at Vaduthala was completed on 6th Jan 2019. Padmaraj, Gokulapala Varma and Venugopal from Recca Sewa attended the function coardinated by Mr. Rathiyappan where all the 75 families participated. Our happiness knew no bounds on seeing the joy on their faces as they carried the pressure cookers home . We were glad that our services could directly reach the needy and the deserving. The event was well organised by Mr. Rathiyappan and the local volunteer Mr. Murali. After this a pleasure trip was taken around the island in a boat to enjoy this scenic island in God’s own country.

This phase of relief activitiy of distribution of pressure cookers was possible because of the valuable contributions of Ann John daughter of Jonny John 1986 and NITCCA USA . . RECCA SEWA expresses our deep gratitude for this noble contributions to Ann John, NITCAA USA and Anna Alumnium .